Monday, 29 September 2008

The frontal main shot off “50 cent” shows an angry face, this can suggest that the magazine of “VIBE” is only open to people who are into the “gangster”/ hip hop life style. “50 Cents” clothes are black to suggest that he is evil and dark. The expression upon 50 cents face looks as though he is also angry, suggesting that he is apart of the “gangster lifestyle”.

The title of the “VIBE” magazine is slightly covered by the face of “50 cent” this means that the producers of the “VIBE” magazine are confident with the title that they do not have show the full thing.

Other text around the side of the main shot, indicates that the quote is from “50 cent” as above the quote it says “WHOSE AFRAID OF 50 CENT” then a quote from “50 cent” which says “I DON’T SEE SENSE IN RESOLVING ISSUES WITH ANYBODY” This quote refers to the fierce life of a “gangster”. In the quote the words “RESSOLVING ISSUES” are in red to show there fierce nature,

To the right of the main shot, there is some text about other artists in the same genre music as “50 cent”, these are highlighted to show their importance from the other text which is in white.

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