Thursday, 23 October 2008

In this contents page i have encorporated the same title as the one from the front cover aswell as all of the sub title although i have added more information underneath the images. However i have also kept the same colour background as the front cover to show the consitancy throughout. To the bottom right is a role of film which has images taken from the different subjects and activiteis that are going on around the school and what are also encorporated into the magazine

Front Cover (Preliminary Product)

In the front cover i have a medium close up shot of a person playing soccer. I croped the background to direct the attention of the viewer upon the magazine. As shown in the magazine cover to the left you can see that the tiltle has not been covered by the main shot and shows the importance of it. The glow that has been placed around the title and the sub titles helps them stand out from the contrasting colour of the background. All the titles that have been dispplayed upon the frontcover have been filled with colours that are relevant to the title written. For E.g. kenya title has been coloured in the flags colours and think Pink is in Pink.

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Upon this magazine contents page the writing is all in the same font. This shows how basic content page styles have effect. As the contents page has no change in colour, text or font, it enhances the images that are placed to the bottom right which reach up just over half way of the page. The images that are on the bottom of the contents pages have relevance to John Lennon and significant to him as they are “A TRIBUTE TO JOHN LENNON”

As the images are in bright colours and the contents and background have the same grey and white, the pictures could symbolize the happy times in his life.

As the contents are in block colour with no real change in the text apart from sub titles ,which are in lower case to show more information, all these standard enhance the images to the right of the page.